I just found out about Dropbox about 3 weeks ago and I really love this company. If you ever need to transfer files from the office to your house or just want to have certain files available wherever you go this is the website/app for you. This program is free on the iPad and desktop version for 2GB of storage. You can also pay for 50GB and 100GB versions. You can even create photo galleries that you can share with others. Adding files to the site are as easy as copying from one directory on your PC or Mac to the Dropbox folder. It will automatically sync and keep several versions of your files. 

Here is a link to their page listing all the features: http://www.dropbox.com/features

They have Apps for iPhone, iPad, Android, and BlackBerry.

If you want to try it out click here and use me as your referral and I will get 250MB of extra storage.